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queens of the house

Marguerite of GlamSavannah
F3 C

What to say about Marguerite who really is the queen of the house and my first savannah cat. 

Margot, how I waited for you and looked forward to your birth. Those first pictures of your small face. Finally you came home, and made it your own. That was really the beginning of a beautiful bond of trust between a feline and a human being. 

She likes to give head butts and to rub herself on visitors. She is always near me and loves to be around people.

Her very Zen temperament and her exemplary patience with all the kittens makes her very precious to me. Everybody adores her..

She gives birth to big kittens with a very unique look.

She has a secret knack to make beautiful, big babies 


** click on picture to enlarge

A1 Savannahs Little Diva 

My Miss Perfection who does everything her own way. She is very muscular and athletic, ready for action and always eager to play.

I adore her puffy nose, her warm colours and her round spots. One true diva and a great attentive mom. 

She gives beautifully spotted kittens with good type.


** click on picture to enlarge

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